(0)  Place WP2.tar.gz into a directory and

     $ tar -zxvf WP2.tar.gz
     The command will generate a directory WP2 with subdirectory


    This exercises will require running a full version of the MOSAICS software
    and its potential and topology libraries. If the required software installed
    in your computer, just make 3 local soft links to the executable, potential
    and topology libraries into the WP2/examples library. To do this

    $ cd WP2/examples
    $ ln -s $(YOUR-PATH-TO-MOSAICS-EXECUTABLE)/mosaics.x mosaics.x
    $ ln -s $(YOUR-PATH-TO-MOSAICS-TOPOLOGY--DATABASE)/top_database top_database
    $ ln -s $(YOUR-PATH-TO-MOSAICS-POTENTIAL-DATABASE)/pot_database pot_database

    Note (14/03/2016): Konrad Krawczyk installed MOSAICS and the potential and
    topology libraries on all DTC computers. Therefore, you may create the 
    following soft links to complete your installation.

    $ ln -s /home/bio/MOSAICS/PyMosaics/MosaicsInstallation/mosaics.x mosaics.x
    $ ln -s /home/bio/MOSAICS/PyMosaics/MosaicsInstallation/lib/top_database/ top_database
    $ ln -s /home/bio/MOSAICS/PyMosaics/MosaicsInstallation/lib/pot_database/ pot_database

    If you don't have either the code or the libraries already installed in your
    computer, we provide it on the Computational Biology Practical Website following
    the  link at www.cs.ox.ac.uk/mosaics. By clicking the links 
    and  you can download MOSAICS.tar.gz and TOPPOT.tar.gz files. Next
    extract these files in the same directory you extracted your files for the
    work packages (WPs). Then

    $ tar -zxvf TOPPOT.tar.gz
    $ tar -zxvf MOSAICS.tar.gz

    # compile MOSAICS following the 
    # instructions at www.cs.ox.ac.uk/mosaics

    $ cd WP2/examples
    $ ln -s ../../MOSAICS/version.3.9.1_bgq/examples/mosaics.x mosaics.x
    $ ln -s ../../TOPPOT/top_database/ top_database
    $ ln -s ../../TOPPOT/pot_database/ pot_database

    In the following I assume that you have three local links in WP2/examples,
    e.g if you installed your own version your local library has this structure

    drwxr-xr-x  2x3b_dna
    drwxr-xr-x  6b_rna
    lrwxr-xr-x  mosaics.x -> ../../MOSAICS/version.3.9.1_bgq/examples/mosaics.x
    lrwxr-xr-x  pot_database -> ../../TOPPOT/pot_database/
    lrwxr-xr-x  top_database -> ../../TOPPOT/top_database/

(1) In WP2/examples there are two systems an rna and a dna fragment (.pdb files)
    each containing 6 nucleotides. The systems has the same size, yet they have
    a very different topology; the rna is a 6 base unstructured loop whereas the
    dna is composed of three base pairs. You can visualize the .pdb files using
    Pymol or VMD software packages available in your computer.
    Next, we suggest you try running mosaics.x using the following

    $ cd 6b_rna
    $ ../mosaics.x mcmc.input > output

    where mcmc.input is your input file, in which you can set the simulation
    parameters. Some of the parameters carry function related names but you
    can read the description of each simulation parameter in the online manual
    following the  link on the MOSAICS website www.cs.ox.ac.uk
    Every time you run your examples, you are going to generate the following

    output        : contains detailed information about your system and simulation
                    results such as acceptance rate
    .pos.pdb      : contains your trajectory in .pdb format
    .pos_out.pdb  : your last conformation in your trajectory in .pdb format
    .pot_energy   : potential energy as a function of steps
    .inter_energy : intermolecular energy vs MC iteration
    .tors_pos     : the trajectory in torsion angle space
    sim_param.out : contains all the simulation parameters you used for this run
                    the file also lists all simulation parameters you could change
                    for this MOSAICS version but they will take their indicated
                    default values unless you set them separately

     Before you attempt a new run, you may want to delete all output files with
     the script provided

     $ ./clean
     $ ../mosaics.x mcmc.input > output

     or using the one line version

     $ ./clean; ../mosaics.x mcmc.input > output

(2) In this exercise we ask you to generate a short, only 10,000 mc step length
    MCMC trajectory in both cartesian space and dihedral (torsional) space for
    both systems. For this you only have to change the \prop_type{} option in the
    mcmc.input file.

    \prop_type{cart} using Cartesian degrees of freedom
    \prop_type{tors} using torsional degrees of freedom

    Please run and save these short trajectories for both systems and compare
    the results focusing on the trajectory files (.pos.pdb), which you can visualize
    using either Pymol or VMD Software packages available in your desktop. Compare
    the overall acceptance rates, which are printed at the end of your output files.
    After you generate these 4 trajectories you may answer the following questions:

    How do the trajectories and the overall acceptance rates compare?
    Can you qualitatively rank the efficiency of conformational exploration? e.g.
         #1 system X using \prop_type{Z} option
         #2 system Y using \prop_type{Z} option

    (*) To give you a hint one of your systems with torsional propagation will produce the
    worst acceptance rate

(3) Run and save a further trajectory with the system that produced the worst acceptance
    rate with torsional propagation using chain break and closure (JCB, Minary et al. 2010)
    based torsional propagation. This option can be turned on if you change the first line
    in your initial .pdb file from "# CBLC > ..." to "CBLC > ...".
    This option (Constant Bond Length Closure) lets you changing the conformation of
    each nucleotide independently that may result in breaking bonds along the atomic
    chain connecting adjacent nucleotides. Next, all these chain breaks are restored
    using a linear complexity chain closure algorithm (JCB, 2010).

    Has the acceptance rate improved?

(4) Given that now we can model systems as a collection of independent nucleotides
    we are able to generate correlated motions by moving groups of nucleotides together
    in addition to more refined moves that are responsible for the relative orientation
    and position of each individual nucleotide within the group. For example, one typical
    choice for the dna system would be to move a basepair collectively.
    After turning on the option learned in (3) for both dna and rna systems, please activate
    the "region" option in you mcmc.input file by changing




    The region.data file lets you specify how the individual elements of your region
    are grouped and the relative magnitude of collective and non collective motions.
    In addition, it lets you control rotational and translation type of motions
    separately therefore gives you a great deal of flexibility that you can explore in
    this exercise. Before you do so, please browse the content of "2x3b_dna/region/README"
    file that explains you the meaning of each line used in region.data

    !!!! Note that the regional or "natural" moves are superimposed on top of the
    individual moves of nucleotides we had in (3). Therefore I suggest to turn off non
    regional moves so that the control over degrees of freedom is completely handled
    in the region file.  Please set the following parameters in your mcmc.input file:
