# # Use fsc to compile scala/cso program (deprecated unless you REALLY know fsc) # # Usage: xsofc [fsc parameters] # # Default path where cso (and other) .jar file(s) are found is ./PUBLISH # Default path into which class files are placed is ./BUILD # These can be overridden by setting the environment variables JARPATHS/BUILDPATH # or by placing assignments to these variables in the file ./XSOPATHS # # # # JARPATHS=${JARPATHS-./PUBLISH} BUILDPATH=${BUILDPATH-./BUILD} XSOPATHS=${XSOPATHS-./XSOPATHS} # # # if [ -e $XSOPATHS ] then . $XSOPATHS fi JARS="" for JARPATH in $JARPATHS do for JAR in `find -L $JARPATH/ -name "*.jar"`; do JARS=$JAR":"$JARS; done done echo $JARS exec fsc -cp .:$BUILDPATH:$JARS -d $BUILDPATH "$@"