

package collection

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BoundedBuffer[T] extends AnyRef

    A buffer, allowing capacity items to be added, and then for the items to be obtained as an array

  2. class BoundedQueue[T] extends PartialQueue[T]

    A bounded partial queue.

  3. class CoarseListSet[T] extends Set[T]

    An implementation of Set based on a linked list with coarse-grained synchronization.

  4. class CollisionResistantLazySkipList[T] extends Set[T]

    A lock-based concurrent skiplist.

  5. class CollisionResistantLockFreeSkipList[T] extends Set[T]

    A set based on a lock-free skiplist.

  6. class EliminationBackoffStack[T] extends TotalStack[T]

    A partial stack, based on elimination.

  7. class FineListSet[T] extends Set[T]

    An implementation of Set based on a linked list with fine-grained synchronization.

  8. class GrowableArray[A] extends AnyRef

    An array that grows dynamically.

  9. trait HashMap[A, B] extends AnyRef

    A trait defining the interface of the various hash maps.

  10. trait HashSet[A] extends AnyRef

    A trait defining the interface of the hash sets.

  11. class LazyListSet[T] extends Set[T]

  12. class LazySkipList[T] extends Set[T]

  13. class LockFreeExchanger[T] extends AnyRef

  14. class LockFreeListSet[T] extends Set[T]

  15. class LockFreeQueue[T] extends Queue[T]

  16. class LockFreeQueueRecycle[T] extends Queue[T]

  17. class LockFreeReadShardedMap[A, B >: Null] extends HashMap[A, B]

  18. class LockFreeReadShardedSet[A] extends HashSet[A]

    A class representing a set of As, using sharding and synchronized blocks, with lock-free reads.

  19. class LockFreeSkipList[T] extends Set[T]

    A set based on a lock-free skiplist.

  20. class LockFreeStack[T] extends TotalStack[T]

    A lock-free stack.

  21. class LvdPWMap[A, B] extends HashMap[A, B]

    An implementation of a HashMap based upon "Boosting Multi-Core Reachability Performance with Shared Hash Tables", by Alfons Laarman, Jaco van de Pol and Michael Weber, extended to allow deletion.

  22. class LvdPWResizeMap[A, B] extends HashMap[A, B]

    An implementation of a HashMap based upon "Boosting Multi-Core Reachability Performance with Shared Hash Tables", by Alfons Laarman, Jaco van de Pol and Michael Weber, extended to allow deletion and resizing.

  23. class OptimisticListSet[T] extends Set[T]

    An implementation of Set based on a linked list with optimistic synchronization.

  24. trait PartialQueue[T] extends AnyRef

    A trait for partial queues.

  25. trait Pool[T] extends AnyRef

    A trait representing a generic pool.

  26. trait PriorityQueue[T] extends AnyRef

    A trait for priority queues

  27. trait Queue[T] extends AnyRef

    A trait for total queues.

  28. class RecursiveSplitOrderingMap[A, B] extends HashMap[A, B]

    A lock-free map using recursive split ordering.

  29. trait Set[T] extends AnyRef

    An abstract Set trait.

  30. class ShardedMap[A, B] extends HashMap[A, B]

    A class representing maps from A to B, using sharding and synchronized blocks.

  31. class ShardedSet[A] extends HashSet[A]

    A class representing a set of As, using sharding and synchronized blocks.

  32. trait Stack[T] extends AnyRef

    A trait for stacks.

  33. class SynchronousChannel[T] extends PartialQueue[T]

    A synchronous channel.

  34. class SynchronousDualChannel[T] extends PartialQueue[T]

    A synchronous channel, using a dual data structure.

  35. class Termination extends AnyRef

    A termination protocol for p threads.

  36. class TerminationDetectingPool[T] extends Pool[T]

    A wrapper around a partial Pool to give a total Pool.

  37. trait TotalStack[T] extends AnyRef

    A trait for total stacks.

  38. class TreePriorityQueue[T >: Null] extends PriorityQueue[T]

    A priority queue using a binary tree.

  39. class UnboundedQueue[T] extends Queue[T]

    An unbounded total queue.
