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Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow

Looking unlike the picture on your credit card is more of a point of comment than is looking unlike your picture in your passport. It seems that the retail amateurs who are fascinated by the possibility that you may be spending on stolen plastic cards have not learned the skill of seeing through passport pictures, which seems to be an essential qualification for Immigration Officers. (Helen and I did once go through Passport Control at Hoek van Holland with each other's passports, but they noticed.)

I wonder whether the Customs can cope with the picture if you use credit cards to pay in the red channel? The only time I tried to declare something to customs they laughed and would not let me pay. Perhaps I flatter myself but I always took that they were laughing only at what it was I wanted to declare.

Having spent a summer looking entirely unlike the picture on my credit card, on account of my long hair, I now have this year's beard up to strength. So, I can now start to spend this winter looking unlike the picture on my credit card on account of that. "What does this mean?" I hear you ask.

This means Hair Cut.

Time, time, time for the annual haircut. Who gets to do it this year, I wonder? Perhaps a contract of this great significance to the health of the local economy justifies an invitation to tender. Why, my haircut may be all that is needed to kickstart the economy and drag us out of the recession.

I concede that it would take something more miraculous to bring my hair out of recession. Green Roots of Recovery.