Expressiveness of Probabilistic Modal Logics, revisited

Nathanaël Fijalkow,
Bartek Klin,
Prakash Panangaden

Research Fellow @ Alan Turing Institute, London

ICALP, Warsaw, Tuesday July 11, 2017

Labelled Markov Process

We consider continuous state space (but discrete time): $$(S,\Sigma) \text{ measurable space } \qquad \Delta : S \times A \times \Sigma \to [0,1]$$ $\Delta(q,a,T)$ is the probability to go to $T \in \Sigma$ from $q$ under action $a$

Probabilistic Modal Logics

\[ \phi\ =\ \top\ \mid\ \phi \wedge \phi\ \mid\ \langle a \rangle_{> p} \phi\ \]
Two Theorems (Larsen & Skou 89, Desharnais et al,...):
The state space is a Polish space (actually analytic space) and the set of actions is countable

  • Two states are bisimiliar if, and only if, they satisfy the same formulas of the modal logic (only conjunctions)
  • A state simulates another if, and only if, it satisfies more formulas of the modal logic (conjunctions and disjunctions)

Æsthetics and Connections to Warsaw

This paper is about giving æsthetically pleasing proofs for the two theorems above using the topology of Polish spaces.

  • 20th century: Sierpiński, Tarski, Mostowski, and others invented Polish spaces in Warsaw
  • 1997: Prakash Panangaden and coauthors introduced probabilistic bisimulation for continuous space Markov processes at LICS in Warsaw, test-of-time award this year
  • 2012-2015: I took my PhD in Warsaw (and Paris)
  • Since 2015: Bartek Klin is a professor in Warsaw

Bisimulation for Labelled Transition Systems

Labelled Transition Systems: $\Delta : S \times A \to \mathcal{P}(S)$

Bisimulation game: Duplicator claims that $p \equiv q$
We say that $p$ and $q$ are bisimilar if Duplicator can play forever

Coinductive definition: If $p \equiv q$, then for all $a$ in $A$, for all $p' \in \Delta(p,a)$, there exists $q' \in \Delta(q,a)$ such that $p' \equiv q'$

Bisimulation for Labelled Markov Processes

Labelled Markov Processes: $\Delta : S \times A \times \Sigma \to [0,1]$
$\Delta(q,a,T)$ is the probability to go to $T \in \Sigma$ from $q$ under action $a$

Coinductive definition: If $p \equiv q$, then for all $a$ in $A$, for all $C \in \Sigma$ closed under $\equiv$, $$\Delta(p,a,C) = \Delta(q,a,C)$$
Equivalent game: Duplicator claims that $p \equiv q$
  • Spoiler: pick $a$ in $A$ and $C \in \Sigma$ such that $\Delta(p,a,C) \neq \Delta(q,a,C)$
  • Duplicator: $p'$ in $C$, $q'$ not in $C$ and claim that $p' \equiv q'$

We say that $p$ and $q$ are bisimilar if Duplicator can play forever
Bisimulation game: Duplicator claims that $p \equiv q$ Duplicator claims they are bisimilar Duplicator claims they are bisimilar Spoiler picks a set of green states Duplicator claims they are bisimilar Spoiler picks a set of green states Duplicator picks a green state and a non-green state Duplicator claims they are bisimilar Spoiler picks a set of green states Duplicator picks a green state and a non-green state Spoiler's move was stupid! Duplicator claims they are bisimilar Spoiler picks a set of green states Duplicator claims they are bisimilar Spoiler picks a set of green states Duplicator picks a green state and a non-green state

Two identical proofs

Future Work