Boundedness Pushdown Games

Krishnendu Chatterjee, Nathanaël Fijalkow

A reviewer:

''the subject of research sounds like a parody on esoteric models''

But the problem itself is a very nice riddle, (...) it’s nice to see technical acrobatics in action.

Pushdown Games

$\omega B$-regular Conditions

Typical examples:

A Boundedness Game


$\omega$-regular conditions = non-deterministic parity automata

Theorem (Mc Naughton, Muller and Schupp): Determinisation of parity automata

To solve $\omega$-regular games: compose with deterministic automaton

$\omega B$-regular conditions = non-deterministic $\omega B$ automata

Theorem: $\omega B$ automata cannot be determinised (at all)!

Quantitative Determinacy

Either Eve can ensure some bound, or Adam can ensure that the counter is unbounded.



We obtain:
Theorem: Solving pushdown games with $\omega B$-regular conditions is decidable.