Damped oscillatorTopThe analysisParabola, cubic and exponential behaviours

Parabola, cubic and exponential behaviours


We study an integrator put under different initial conditions and guards, formalized by the following automaton:

The trajectories are of the form "x = y*y + a*y + b". The purpose of the different guards is to demonstrate the ability of the technique to perform non-linear deductions.

Cubic behaviour

Let add now a variable, in order to get a cubic behaviour.

The trajectories are now of the form "x=z*z*z + a*z*z + b*z+c" and "y=z*z + d*z + e".

Exponential behaviour

We also analyse the example exp_div.lts:


#e running time file
1 4 exp_div_l1.ps
2 8 exp_div_l2.ps
3 16 exp_div_l3.ps

Damped oscillatorTopThe analysisParabola, cubic and exponential behaviours