@inproceedings{dos_santos_towards_2018, title = "Towards a Simulation-based Framework for the Security Testing of Autonomous Vehicles", author = "dos Santos, Eduardo and Schoop, Dominik", year = "2018", booktitle = "6th Embedded Security in Cars {USA}", location = "Ypsilanti, {MI}, {USA}", month = "June", pages = "15", } @inproceedings{dos_Santos_et_al_2017, title = "A Formal Model to Facilitate Security Testing in Modern Automotive Systems", author = "dos Santos, E. and Schoop, D. and Simpson, A.~C.", year = "2017", booktitle = "Proceedings of {FM}\&{MDD} 2017", } @inproceedings{dosS1612:Formal, title = "Formal {{Models}} for {{Automotive Systems}} and {{Vehicular Networks}}: {{Benefits}} and {{Challenges}}", author = "{dos Santos}, Eduardo and Schoop, Dominik and Simpson, Andrew", year = "2016", address = "Columbus, USA", booktitle = "2016 {{IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference}} ({{VNC}}) ({{IEEE VNC}} 2016)", isbn = "978-1-5090-5197-7", month = "dec", pages = "110--117", }