@inproceedings{FOBL-ICLR-2024, title = "The IMO Small Challenge: First IMO Dataset for LLMs", author = "Simon Frieder and Mirek Olšák and Julius Berner and Thomas Lukasiewicz", year = "2024", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2024, Tiny Papers Track, Vienna, Austria, 7--11 May 2024", month = "May", } @article{FBPL-IMN-2023, title = "Large Language Models for Mathematicians", author = "Simon Frieder and Julius Berner and Philipp Petersen and Thomas Lukasiewicz", year = "2023", journal = "International Mathematical News", month = "December", pages = "1--20", volume = "254", } @inproceedings{FPCGSLPB-NeurIPS-2023, title = "Mathematical Capabilities of ChatGPT", author = "Simon Frieder and Luca Pinchetti and Alexis Chevalier and Ryan-Rhys Griffiths and Tommaso Salvatori and Thomas Lukasiewicz and Philipp Christian Petersen and Julius Berner", year = "2023", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Systems Track on Datasets and Benchmarks 3, NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmarks 2023, December 2023", month = "December", } @inproceedings{ICML-FL-2022, title = "(Non-)Convergence Results for Predictive Coding Networks", author = "Simon Frieder and Thomas Lukasiewicz", year = "2022", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2022, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 17-23 July 2022", editor = "Chaudhuri, Kamalika and Jegelka, Stefanie and Song, Le and Szepesvari, Csaba and Niu, Gang and Sabato, Sivan", month = "July", pages = "6793--6810", publisher = "PMLR", series = "Proceedings of Machine Learning Research", url = "https://proceedings.mlr.press/v162/frieder22a.html", volume = "162", } @inproceedings{NeurIPS-SSHFSXBL-2021, title = "Associative Memories via Predictive Coding", author = "Tommaso Salvatori and Yuhang Song and Yujian Hong and Simon Frieder and Lei Sha and Zhenghua Xu and Rafal Bogacz and Thomas Lukasiewicz", year = "2021", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2021", month = "December", url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08063", }