Stephen Clark's Homepage

I am moving to the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory in January. New web page will appear there soon.

Oxford University Computing Laboratory
Wolfson Building, Parks Road
Oxford, OX1 3QD, UK
+44 (0)1865 283520

Short Bio
University Lecturer, Oxford, 04-
Postdoctoral research, Edinburgh, 00-04
DPhil Artificial Intelligence, Sussex, 97-00
MSc Cognitive Science, Manchester, 96-97
BA Philosophy, Cambridge, 91-94

C&C Language Processing Tools
Check out the NLP tools I have developed with James Curran from the University of Sydney
[C&C website][demo]

DPhil Students I am fortunate to work with:
Brian Harrington. Knowledge Acquisition
Ashley Rust. Document Retrieval
James Smith. Example-Based Machine Translation
Yue Zhang. Statistical parsing of Chinese

Selected Activities
Editorial Board member for JNLE
Workshops Chair for EACL-09
Area Chair (Syntax and Parsing) for ACL-08
Invited Speaker for CLUK-07
JHU Language Engineering Workshop, 2005
JHU Language Engineering Workshop, 2002

Workshop Organisation
Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks GEAF-08
Local organiser for Quantum Interaction-08
ACL-04 workshop on Incremental Parsing
CLUK 2003

Accurate and Efficient Parsing of Biomedical Text
Funded by EPSRC (2007-2010)
Working with Laura Rimell

Advanced Topics in Language Processing, 2008
Information Retrieval, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005
Intelligent Systems I, 2005
How to Give a Technical Presentation [PDF]
I was awarded an Oxford Teaching Award in 2007

Selected Publications [complete list]

Joint Word Segmentation and POS Tagging using a Single Perceptron
Yue Zhang and Stephen Clark
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Columbus, Ohio, 2008
ASKNet: Creating and Evaluating Large Scale Integrated Semantic Networks
Brian Harrington and Stephen Clark
Proceedings of the second IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Santa Clara, Ca, 2008
Wide-Coverage Efficient Statistical Parsing with CCG and Log-Linear Models
Stephen Clark and James Curran
Computational Linguistics, 33(4), 2007
Formalism-Independent Parser Evaluation with CCG and DepBank
Stephen Clark and James Curran
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007
Chinese Segmentation with a Word-Based Perceptron Algorithm
Yue Zhang and Stephen Clark
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007
ASKNet: Automated Semantic Knowledge Network
Brian Harrington and Stephen Clark
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vancouver, Canada, 2007
Multi-Tagging for Lexicalized-Grammar Parsing
James Curran, Stephen Clark and David Vadas
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Sydney, Australia, 2006
Partial Training for a Lexicalized-Grammar Parser
Stephen Clark and James Curran
Proceedings of the Meeting of the North American Association for Computational Linguistics, New York, 2006
Parsing the WSJ using CCG and Log-Linear Models
Stephen Clark and James Curran
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Barcelona, Spain, 2004
Building Deep Dependency Structures with a Wide-Coverage CCG Parser
Stephen Clark, Julia Hockenmaier and Mark Steedman
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Philadephia, PA, 2002
Class-Based Probability Estimation using a Semantic Hierarchy
Stephen Clark and David Weir
Computational Linguistics, 28(2), 2002