Screenshots of Working with Sviss

Example of a system specification in Sviss:

The following file describes a simple token-ring mutual exclusion protocol in Sviss. A process can move from the trying region T to the critical section C only if the global variable tok points to (contains the index of) this process. After leaving C, the process passes the token on to the next process. The resulting Kripke structure has cyclic symmetry, which is indicated by the user using the keyword Ring below.

The text before the keyword Code declares parameters, the BDD variable order to be used (concat means that all variables of process 1 appear first, then all variables of process 2, and so on. An alternative is interleaved variable order), further global variables, local variables (following the Ring keyword) and atomic propositions. The text after the keyword Code defines, using the modeling library, the transition relation and the set of initial states.

Mutex Token Ring

Printing a set of states compactly:

In the following example, a parameterized cache coherence protocol (called ccp) is instantiated with 3 processes. In the line verification task, Sviss asks for a specification, which in this case was entered as just an atomic proposition, Bad. The set of Bad states is defined in the model as the set of global states where one process is in the "exclusive" cache state E, while another process is not in the "invalid" cache state I, i.e. in E or S (shared). Since this set is not empty, the user has the choice of viewing it, which results in the chart below. (G) announces the values of global variables, (SB 0) the variables of the first and only symmetry block, i.e. the local variables of the processes. The hash mark # separates processes, the vertical bar | separates individual program variables, a dash - represents don't care values.

Set of States

Verifying communal progress and printing some statistics:

In the example below, a specification was entered directly as part of the command line (rather than at a prompt). The tool communicates what is currently being computed and responds that the resulting set of states is empty, which means that there is no initial state violating the AG property. The tool then prints statistics on how large each intermediate BDD was, how much time it took to compute it, and what the maximum number of BDD nodes allocated at each stage was. Finally, the tool reports cumulative numbers for computation time and BDD nodes allocated.

Communal Progress

Printing information about fixpoint iterations during model checking:

Using the -iter flag, the user can request more information about intermediate stages of the computation, mainly for expressions involving fixpoints. The tool then displays the step count and, for each step, the current size of the BDD being computed and the maximum number of nodes allocated up to that point.


Error trace for failed invariant proof:

In the example below, the cache coherence protocol from above is instantiated with 2 processes. In order to provoke a short counter example, we check the bogus claim that no process can ever request shared access to the resource. After printing the initial state, every transition (here: only one) is shown as the current state to the left of the successor state; changes in variables are marked with a vertical bar | next to the variable:

Counter Example