An increasing tree is a rooted labelled tree whose labels increase along paths away from the root. For simplicity, if the tree has \(n\) vertices we will take the root to be labelled \(1\) and the other vertices to be labelled by \(2, \ldots, n\). An example is shown below.

Note that when a node has more than one child, the order in which the children are represented is irrelevant, so that, for example, the following two trees are equivalent.

  1. Can you draw all the increasing trees with \(4\) vertices?

  2. How many increasing trees on \(n\) vertices are there?

  3. Suppose now that \(n\) is even. How many of these can be split by removing a single edge into a tree labelled only by odd numbers and a tree labelled only by even numbers?

  4. Suppose now that we want to generate an increasing tree on \(n\) vertices picked uniformly at random, i.e. pick each of the possible trees with equal probability. Can you give an algorithm to do this?

  5. When a random tree is picked as in the previous part, what is the average number of neighbours of the root?

This question was used in Maths & CS interviews at Lady Margaret Hall in December 2021. The question is due to Christina Goldschmidt.