@incollection{Predoiu2016, title = "Ranking Answers to Datalog+⁄− Ontologies based on Trust and Reliability of Subjective Reports", author = "Thomas Lukasiewicz and Maria Vanina Martinez and Cristian Molinaro and Livia Predoiu and Gerardo I. Simari", year = "2016", booktitle = "Computational Models of Rationality: Essays Dedicated to Gabriele Kern-Isberner on the Occasion of Her 60th Birthday", editor = "Christoph Beierle and Gerhard Brewka and Matthias Thimm:", month = "January", pages = "175-192", publisher = "College Publications", series = "Tributes", volume = "29", } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/kr/ELP2016, title = "Generalized Consistent Query Answering under Existential Rules", author = "Thomas Eiter and Thomas Lukasiewicz and Livia Predoiu", year = "2016", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning‚ KR 2016‚ Cape Town‚ South Africa‚ April 25−29, 2016", editor = "James P. Delgrande and Frank Wolter", month = "April", pages = "359-368", publisher = "AAAI Press", url = "http://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/KR/KR16/paper/view/12888", } @inproceedings{LMPS2016, title = "Basic Probabilistic Ontological Data Exchange with Existential Rules", author = "Thomas Lukasiewicz and Maria Vanina Martinez and Livia Predoiu and Gerardo I. Simari", year = "2016", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 30th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence‚ AAAI 2016‚ Phoenix, Arizona‚ USA‚ February 12–17‚ 2016", editor = "Dale Schuurmans and Michael Wellman", month = "February", pages = "1023-1029", publisher = "AAAI Press", url = "http://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AAAI/AAAI16/paper/view/12243", } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/semweb/LukasiewiczMPS15, title = "Probabilistic Ontological Data Exchange with Bayesian Networks", author = "Thomas Lukasiewicz and Maria Vanina Martinez and Livia Predoiu and Gerardo I. Simari", year = "2015", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web, URSW 2015, Bethlehem, USA, October 12, 2015", editor = "Fernando Bobillo and Rommel N. Carvalho and Davide Ceolin and Paulo Cesar G. da Costa and Claudia d'Amato and Nicola Fanizzi and Kathryn B. Laskey and Kenneth J. Laskey and Thomas Lukasiewicz and Trevor P. Martin and Matthias Nickles and Michael Pool", pages = "38-49", publisher = "CEUR-WS.org", series = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", url = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1479/paper4.pdf", volume = "1479", } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ruleml/LMPS2015, title = "Existential Rules and Bayesian Networks for Probabilistic Ontological Data Exchange", author = "Thomas Lukasiewicz and Maria Vanina Martinez and Livia Predoiu and Gerardo I. Simari", year = "2015", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 9th International Web Rule Symposium, RuleML 2015, Berlin, Germany, August 2-5, 2015.", editor = "Nick Bassiliades and Georg Gottlob and Fariba Sadri", note = "<font color="red">RuleML 2015 Best Paper Award</font>", pages = "294-310", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-21542-6_19", volume = "9202", } @book{DBLP:journal/diglib/sda, title = "Focused Issue on Semantic Digital Archives", year = "2015", editor = "Thomas Risse and Livia Predoiu and Annett Mitschick and Andreas N\"{u}rnberger and Seamus Ross", number = "2-4", publisher = "Springer", series = "International Journal on Digital Libraries", url = "http://link.springer.com/journal/799/15/2/page/1", volume = "15", } @article{DBLP:journal/diglib/Risse15, title = "Introduction to the focussed issue on Semantic Digital Archives", author = "Thomas Risse and Livia Predoiu and Annett Mitschick and Andreas N\"{u}rnberger and Seamus Ross", year = "2015", journal = "International Journal on Digital Libraries", month = "March", number = "2-4", pages = "71-72", url = "http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00799-015-0148-0", volume = "15", } @techreport{RR-15-01, title = "Information Integration with Provenance on the Semantic Web via Probabilistic Datalog+/–", author = "Thomas Lukasiewicz and Maria Vanina Martinez and Livia Predoiu and Gerardo I. Simari", year = "2015", institution = "DCS", number = "RR-15-01", pages = "22", } @book{DBLP:conf/sda2014, title = "Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives, SDA 2014, London, UK, September 12, 2014", year = "2014", editor = "Thomas Risse and Livia Predoiu and Andreas Nürnberger and Seamus Ross", publisher = "CEUR−WS.org", series = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", url = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1306/", volume = "1306", } @inbook{DBLP:book/ursw/LMPS2014, title = "Information Integration with Provenance on the Semantic Web via Probabilistic Datalog+⁄−", author = "Thomas Lukasiewicz and Maria Vanina Martinez and Livia Predoiu and Gerardo Simari", year = "2014", booktitle = "Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web III, International Workshops URSW 2011-2013, Held at ISWC, Revised Selected Papers", editor = "Fernando Bobillo and Rommel Carvalho and Paulo C. G. Costa and Claudia d'Amato and Nicola Fanizzi and Kathryn B. Laskey and Kenneth J. Laskey and Thomas Lukasiewicz and Matthias Nickles and Michael Pool", pages = "41-62", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-13413-0_3", volume = "8816", } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/pruv/LMMPS2014, title = "Answering Ontological Ranking Queries Based on Subjective Reports", author = "Thomas Lukasiewicz and Maria Vanina Martinez and Cristian Molinaro and Livia Predoiu and Gerardo Simari", year = "2014", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness, PRUV 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 23-24, 2014", editor = "Thomas Lukasiewicz and Rafael Pe{\~n}aloza and Anni-Yasmin Turhan", pages = "127-140", publisher = "CEUR-WS.org", series = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", url = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1205/00010127.pdf", volume = "1205", } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sum/LMMPS2014, title = "Answering Ontological Ranking Queries based on Subjective Reports", author = "Thomas Lukasiewicz and Maria Vanina Martinez and Cristian Molinaro and Livia Predoiu and Gerardo I. Simari", year = "2014", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, SUM 2014, Oxford, UK, September 15-17, 2014", editor = "Umberto Straccia and Andrea Cal\`{\i}", pages = "223-236", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-11508-5_19", volume = "8720", } @techreport{arXiv:1312.0032, title = "Top-k Query Answering in Datalog+/− Ontologies under Subjective Reports", author = "Thomas Lukasiewicz and Maria Vanina Martinez and Cristian Molinaro and Livia Predoiu and Gerardo I. Simari", year = "2013", url = "http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.0032", } @book{DBLP:conf/sda2013, title = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives‚ SDA 2013‚ Valetta‚ Malta‚ September 26‚ 2013", year = "2013", editor = "Livia Predoiu and Annett Mitschick and Andreas Nürnberger and Thomas Risse and Seamus Ross", publisher = "CEUR−WS.org", series = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", url = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1091/", volume = "1091", } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/semweb/LukasiewiczP13, title = "Information Integration with Provenance on the Semantic Web via Probabilistic Datalog+⁄−", author = "Thomas Lukasiewicz and Livia Predoiu", year = "2013", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web, URSW 2013, Sydney, Australia, October 21, 2013", editor = "Fernando Bobillo and Rommel N. Carvalho and Paulo Cesar G. da Costa and Claudia d'Amato and Nicola Fanizzi and Kathryn B. Laskey and Kenneth J. Laskey and Thomas Lukasiewicz and Trevor Martin and Matthias Nickles and Michael Pool", pages = "3-14", publisher = "CEUR-WS.org", series = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", url = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1073/paper1.pdf", volume = "1073", }