@inproceedings{Salkield23, title = "Satellite Spoofing from A to Z: On the Requirements of Satellite Downlink Overshadowing Attacks", author = "Salkield, Edd and Szakály, Marcell and Smailes, Joshua and Birnbach, Simon and Köhler, Sebastian and Strohmeier, Martin and Martinovic, Ivan", year = "2023", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec)", month = "May", note = "\textbf{Best Paper Award: Runner Up!}", url = "https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:e9d5d85f-b77f-4f11-8006-17dd88660467/download_file?file_format=application%2Fpdf&safe_filename=Salkield_et_al_2023_satellite_spoofing_from.pdf&type_of_work=Conference+item", }