socio-economic aspects of trusted computing
St. Hugh's College, Oxford
6th – 8th April 2009
Building on the success of Trust 2008 (held in Villach,Austria, in March 2008), this conference focuses on trusted and trustworthy computing, both from the technical and social perspectives. The conference itself will have two main strands, one devoted to technical aspects and one devoted to the socio-economic aspects of trusted computing.
Please book your place at the conference now! A list of accepted papers is available, and the confirmed keynote speakers are:
- Prof. Sean Smith (Dartmouth)
- Prof. Eugene H. Spafford (Purdue)
- Dr. Jens Riegelsberger (Google)
News: The Proceedings of the Technical Strand are published as a volume of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series and will be available at the conference.
Join the Trust 2009 event at Facebook.
Important Dates
- Technical Strand Submission Deadline: 16th November 2008 (extended from 2nd November)
- Technical Strand Notification: 19th December 2008
- Technical Strand Camera ready: 16th January 2009
- Socio-economic strand submission deadline: 1st February 2009
- Socio-economic strand notification: 1st March 2009
- Registration Deadline: 19th March 2009
- Conference: 6-8 April 2009
General chair
Andrew Martin (University of Oxford)
Booking Arrangements
- Ida Persson (Oxford Internet Institute Events Officer)
PC Chairs for Technical Strand:
Chris Mitchell (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)
Liqun Chen (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol, UK)
PC Chair for Socio-Economic Strand:
Ian Brown (University of Oxford)
Steering Committee:
Andrew Martin, University of Oxford
Chris Mitchell, Royal Holloway University of London
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Ruhr-University, Bochum
Ian Brown, University of Oxford
Boris Balacheff, HP Labs
Disambiguation: This event should not be confused with the International Symposium on Trustworthiness, Reliability and services in Ubiquitous and Sensor neTworks series. (TRUST-08)