The Aleph Manual
Version 4 and above
Ashwin Srinivasan
How to obtain Aleph
How to use this manual
The basic Aleph algorithm
Getting started with Aleph
Loading Aleph
Background knowledge file
Mode declarations
Type specifications
Positive examples file
Negative examples file
Read all input files
Construct a theory
Save a theory
Evaluate a theory
Some simple examples
Advanced use of Aleph
Setting Aleph parameters
Altering the search
Search strategies
Evaluation functions
Built-in and user-defined pruning
User-defined cost specification
User-defined constraints
User-defined refinement
Specific-to-general search
Randomised search methods
Incremental construction of theories
Theory-level search
Tree-based theories
Constraint learning
Mode learning
Abductive learning
Feature Construction
Other commands
Related versions and programs
On the appropriateness of Aleph
On predicate-name clashes with Aleph
On the role of the bottom clause
On using Aleph interactively.
On different ways of constructing a theory
On a categorisation of parameters
On how the single-clause search is implemented
On how to reduce the search space
On how to use fewer examples
On a user-defined view of hypotheses and search
On numerical reasoning with Aleph
On applications of Aleph
On using Aleph with other techniques
On performing closed-world specialisation with Aleph
On some basic ideas relevant to ILP
Change Logs
Changes in Version 1
Changes in Version 2
Changes in Version 3
Changes in Version 4
Changes in Version 5
Commands and Parameters Index
Concept Index
This document was generated on March, 13 2007 using