This workshop will focus on contextuality and nonlocality and their relationship to quantum advantage in computational or information-processing tasks, including connections to areas of logic in computer science such as constraint satisfaction problems.
This topic is understood broadly, and we hope to bring together and foster interactions among a diverse group of participants, including specialists in quantum information and computation, quantum foundations, and theoretical computer science. The programme will feature some introductory tutorials that aim at easing interactions between participants from different fields.
This is a follow-up to the workshop we organised at UCL in 2016 (link), and will also draw on some of the topics from a workshop at the Lorentz Centre last year (link).
* Organisers
Click here or on a speaker's name for titles and abstracts.
Robert Hooke Building
Wolfson Building
Wolfson Building
The workshop will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford.
See map for venue locations.
1. On Thursday: Tony Hoare Room, Robert Hooke Building
2. On Friday & Saturday: Lecture Theatre B, Wolfson Building (use the OeRC entrance on 7, Keble Road)
Oxford in busy in the summer – book as early as possible!
Some colleges (e.g. Magdalen, St Catz) have affordable student accommodation to rent, which can be booked through the University Rooms website. Note that many of these options have shared bathrooms.
Otherwise, check booking.com and AirBnB.
Little Clarendon Street (3 min) has several restaurants, and George Street (10 min) has a larger selection of food.
Some suggestions on the map (black circles):
1. The Alternative Tuck ShopOn Thursday, after the first day of workshop, we will go for drinks at the Royal Oak pub at 18.15 (see map).
The workshop dinner will take place on Friday at 19.45 in the Cherwell Boathouse (see map).
We will meet at 19.15 in the workshop venue to walk to the dinner or you can make your own way there.