QUESTIONS FROM 2001 MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS EXAM 1) The term "agent" in the context of computer systems has no universally accepted meaning - the term is usually defined by listing attributes that it claimed an agent has. Briefly describe what you undersdand to be the most commonly mentioned attributes of agency. (5 marks) 2) "Communication in the object and agent worlds is fundamentally different". Briefly explain what you understand by this statement. (3 marks) 3) Describe the structure of messages in the FIPA agent communication language. (3 marks) 4) Describe the role of the INFORM and REQUEST performatives in the FIPA agent communication language. (4 marks) 5) The CONTRACT NET protocol is perhaps the most widely used protocol in the multi-agent systems world. Briefly describe: i) the characteristics of problems for which the CONTRACT NET is appropriate; (3 marks) ii) the different stages of the protocol; (4 marks) iii) the main issues that must be addressed when implementing the CONTRACT NET. (3 marks)