Online Complexity

Nathanaël Fijalkow

Highlights'2015, Prague

Online Complexity

$$L \subseteq A^*$$

size of the smallest data structure maintaining the answer to the Boolean query

"is the prefix in $L$?"

the size is the number of different states after reading $n$ letters

language online complexity

$\{a^n b^n \mid n \in \mathbb{N}\}$


$\{w \mid |w|_a = |w|_b = |w|_c\}$


$\{w w \mid w \in A^*\}$

Online complexity is not:

  • a language is regular if, and only if, it has constant online complexity,
  • all languages have exponential online complexity.

Online Complexity

Probabilistic Automata

Rabin (63): can we compute the acceptance probability in an online fashion?

$$\mathbb{P}(u \sharp v) = bin(u) \cdot bin(v)$$ $$L = \left\{ u \sharp v \mid bin(u) \cdot bin(v) > \frac{1}{2}\right\}$$

Theorem: this probabilistic automaton has exponential online complexity

Online Complexity

Research Directions