@article{HOXQ2011, title = "Higher-Order Functions and Structured Datatypes", author = "Michael Benedikt and Huy Vu", year = "2012", affiliation = "Oxford University", journal = "WebDB: The 15th International Workshop on the Web and Databases (Co-located with ACM SIGMOD)", } @article{VuBenediktHOMES11, title = "HOMES: A Higher-Order Mapping Evaluation System", author = "Huy Vu and Michael Benedikt", year = "2011", affiliation = "Oxford University", journal = "VLDB: The 37th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases", } @article{VuBenedikt11, title = "Complexity of Higher-Order Queries", author = "Huy Vu and Michael Benedikt", year = "2011", affiliation = "Oxford University", journal = "ICDT: The 14th International Conference on Database Theory", } @techreport{3962, title = "PROCEEDINGS OF THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY COMPUTING LABORATORY STUDENT CONFERENCE 2010", author = "Programme Committee: Sara-Jane Dunn and Joe Loughry and Ivan Lubenko (chair) and Huy Vu", year = "2010", institution = "OUCL", month = "November", number = "RR-10-22", pages = "38", } @article{BenediktPuppisVu10, title = "Positive Higher-Order Queries", author = "Michael Benedikt and Gabriele Puppis and Huy Vu", year = "2010", affiliation = "Oxford University", journal = "PODS: The 29th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems", location = "Indianapolis, Indiana, USA", publisher = "ACM", }