@article{DBLP:journals/pvldb/BenediktLT15, title = "Querying with Access Patterns and Integrity Constraints", author = "Michael Benedikt and Julien Leblay and Efthymia Tsamoura", year = "2015", journal = "{PVLDB}", number = "6", pages = "690--701", url = "http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol8/p690-benedikt.pdf", volume = "8", } @article{DBLP:journals/pvldb/BenediktLT14, title = "{PDQ:} Proof-driven Query Answering over Web-based Data", author = "Michael Benedikt and Julien Leblay and Efthymia Tsamoura", year = "2014", journal = "{PVLDB}", number = "13", pages = "1553--1556", url = "http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol7/p1553-benedikt.pdf", volume = "7", } @inproceedings{goasdoue:hal-00814285, title = "{Fact Checking and Analyzing the Web}", author = "Goasdou{\'e}, Fran\c{c}ois and Karanasos, Konstantinos and Katsis, Yannis and Leblay, Julien and Manolescu, Ioana and Zampetakis, Stamatis", year = "2013", address = "New York, United States", booktitle = "{SIGMOD - ACM International Conference on Management of Data}", keywords = "Linked Data; Online Fact Checking; Semantic Annotations", month = "Jun", url = "http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00814285", } @article{goasdoue:hal-00828906, title = "{Growing Triples on Trees: an XML-RDF Hybrid Model for Annotated Documents}", author = "Goasdou{\'e}, Fran\c{c}ois and Karanasos, Konstantinos and Katsis, Yannis and Leblay, Julien and Manolescu, Ioana and Zampetakis, Stamatis", year = "2013", journal = "{VLDB Journal}", publisher = "Springer", url = "http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00828906", } @inproceedings{leblay:hal-00691235, title = "{SPARQL query answering with bitmap indexes}", author = "Leblay, Julien", year = "2012", address = "Scottsdale, AZ, United States", booktitle = "{SWIM - 4th International Workshop on Semantic Web Information Management - 2012}", editor = "ACM", keywords = "RDF; storage model; SPARQL; query answering", month = "May", url = "http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00691235", } @article{goasdoue:hal-00765302, title = "{Des triplets sur des arbres: un mod{\`e}le hybride XML-RDF pour documents annot{\'e}s}", author = "Goasdou{\'e}, Fran\c{c}ois and Karanasos, Konstantinos and Katsis, Yannis and Leblay, Julien and Manolescu, Ioana and Zampetakis, Stamatis", year = "2012", journal = "{Ing{\'e}nierie des Syst{\`e}mes d'Information}", keywords = "XML; RDF; annotated documents; data models; query languages", number = "5", pages = "87-111", publisher = "Lavoisier", url = "http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00765302", volume = "17", doi = "10.3166/ISI.17.5.87-111", } @inproceedings{goasdoue:inria-00624996, title = "{Growing Triples on Trees: an XML-RDF Hybrid Model for Annotated Documents}", author = "Goasdou{\'e}, Fran\c{c}ois and Karanasos, Konstantinos and Katsis, Yannis and Leblay, Julien and Manolescu, Ioana and Zampetakis, Stamatis", year = "2011", address = "Seattle, United States", booktitle = "{First International Workshop on Searching and Integrating New Web Data Sources}", editor = "Marco Brambilla and Fabio Casati and Stefano Ceri", month = "Sep", url = "http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00624996", } @article{goasdoue:inria-00625090, title = "{View Selection in Semantic Web Databases}", author = "Goasdou{\'e}, Fran\c{c}ois and Karanasos, Konstantinos and Leblay, Julien and Manolescu, Ioana", year = "2011", journal = "{Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}", month = "Oct", number = "2", publisher = "VLDB Endowment", url = "http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00625090", volume = "5", } @inproceedings{goasdoue:inria-00509125, title = "{RDFViewS: A Storage Tuning Wizard for RDF Applications}", author = "Goasdou{\'e}, Fran\c{c}ois and Karanasos, Konstantinos and Leblay, Julien and Manolescu, Ioana", year = "2010", address = "Toronto, Canada", booktitle = "{ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}", keywords = "RDF Data Management; View Selection; Materialized Views; Query Optimization; RDFS", month = "Oct", url = "http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00509125", }