@misc{alberts2024designing, title = "Designing for Sustained Motivation: A Review of Self-Determination Theory in Behaviour Change Technologies", author = "Lize Alberts and Ulrik Lyngs and Kai Lukoff", year = "2024", } @misc{alberts2024computers, title = "Computers as Bad Social Actors: Dark Patterns and Anti-Patterns in Interfaces that Act Socially", author = "Lize Alberts and Ulrik Lyngs and Max Van Kleek", year = "2024", } @misc{alberts2024makes, title = "What makes for a 'good' social actor? Using respect as a lens to evaluate interactions with language agents", author = "Lize Alberts and Geoff Keeling and Amanda McCroskery", year = "2024", } @misc{lukoff2022designing, title = "Designing to support autonomy and reduce psychological reactance in digital self-Control tools", author = "Lukoff, Kai and Lyngs, Ulrik and Alberts, Lize", year = "2022", booktitle = "Self-Determination Theory in HCI: Shaping a Research Agenda. Workshop at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’22)", } @mastersthesis{alberts2020not, title = "Not cheating on the Turing Test: Towards grounded language learning in Artificial Intelligence", author = "Alberts, Lize", year = "2020", } @misc{alberts2019meeting, title = "Meeting them halfway: Altering language conventions to facilitate human-robot interaction", author = "Alberts, Lize", year = "2019", journal = "Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus (SPiL Plus)", }