The files in this directory form v2.1 of Stephen Cameron's enhanced implementation of the routine of Gilbert, Johnson and Keerthi to compute the distance between two convex polytopes (gjk.c and gjk.h), and v1.1 of a test harness that demonstrates their use (gjkdemo.c, sac.c, and Makefile). See for more details of the background to this code. ** The current public release is version 2.4. ** There are just two external routines defined in gjk.c, and declared in gjk.h. gjk_distance() is the main routine for computing the distance between the polytopes (actually, it returns the square of the distance). In many cases the witness points (between which the minimum distance is realised) are not needed by the calling routine, and need not be implicitly computed by gjk_distance(). However they can always be obtained from the simplex data-structure by calling the other exported routine, gjk_extract_point(). gjkdemo.c is the test-harness, that generates pairs of convex polyhedra in three dimensions, calls gjk_distance() for them, and checks the result if the objects do not interfere. By default the makefile creates an executable program called gjkdemo, in which the objects generated have a semi-regular structure. The program also attempts to time the calls to gjk_distance by repeating each call many (>>100) times, and by default prints out a report for each pair of polytopes tested. The distance problem can be solved more quickly if we are looking at pairs of moving objects, and by default the program uses 10 instance pairs for each pair of polyhedra created. By linking the University of Minnesota's Qhull code into the test harness, together with the glue code in sac.c, we can create the program gjkqhull that, as well as doing everything that gjkdemo does, can also use polyhedra generated by taking random point sets on spheres. gjkqhull also checks whether polyhedra reported by gjk_distance() as interfering are actually interfering. Options for gjkdemo/gjkqhull: Arguments take the form of a list of general optional arguments, followed by the number of runs, followed by an optional integer giving the number of points per polyhedra (20 by default). General optional arguments are: -h gives a help message -H disables hill-climbing (original GJK algorithm) -q[N] quiet mode, suppresses the per-run report unless an error occurs (producing a dot every N runs if N supplied) -Q use random hulls (gjkqhull only) -x disable the use of transformation matrices; pre-compute all vertex coordinates instead (as in v2.0 of GJK) -R[value] use relative rotations between instances, with the optional value scaling the amount of rotation -T change the relative translations used between instances -r change the repeat count -i change the number of instances -s define the initial seed for the random-number generator Notes 1. Although gjk.c has been extensively tested for polyhedra only, it should also work for polytopes in other dimensions. Change DIM in gjk.h. 2. The glue code for Qhull in sac.c is not efficient, but was rather designed to check the output coming from Qhull. I'd be happy to see a less paranoid version! Stephen Cameron Oxford University Computing Laboratory April 1997.