@inproceedings{CMP-ORE15, title = "The Bayesian Ontology Reasoner is BORN!", author = "{\.I}smail {\.I}lkan Ceylan and Julian Mendez and Rafael Pe{\~{n}}aloza", year = "2015", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on {OWL} Reasoner Evaluation {(ORE-2015)} co-located with the 28th International Workshop on Description Logics {(DL} 2015), Athens, Greece, June 6, 2015.", editor = "Michel Dumontier and Birte Glimm and Rafael S. Gon{\c{c}}alves and Matthew Horridge and Ernesto Jim{\'{e}}nez{-}Ruiz and Nicolas Matentzoglu and Bijan Parsia and Giorgos B. Stamou and Giorgos Stoilos", pages = "8--14", publisher = "CEUR-WS.org", series = "{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings", url = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1387/paper_5.pdf", volume = "1387", }