Programming Research Group Technical Report TR-4-96

The theory, practice, and a tool for BSP performance prediction applied to a CFD application

Jonathan M D Hill, Paul I Crumpton and David A Burgess

February 1996, 17pp.

The Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) model provides a theoretical framework to accurately predict the execution time of parallel programs. In this paper we describe a BSP programming library that has been developed, and contrast two approaches to analysing performance:

  1. a pencil and paper method with a theoretical cost model;
  2. a profiling tool that analyses trace information generated during program execution.
These approaches are evaluated on an industrial application code that solves fluid dynamics equations around a complex aircraft geometry on an IBM SP2 and SGI PowerChallenge. We show how the tool can be used to explore the communication patterns of the CFD code and accurately predict the performance of the application on any parallel machine.

This work was performed within Oxford Parallel with financial support from Rolls Royce plc and EPSRC.
This paper is also available as Numerical Analysis Group research report NA-96/03 and has been submitted to EuroPar'96.
It is available as a 373,089 byte gzipped PostScript file.