Programming Research Group Technical Report TR-9-94

A Brief History of Algebra and Computing: An Eclectic Oxonian View

Jonathan Bowen

July 1994, 11pp.

Dedicated to Prof. C.A.R. Hoare, FRS, James Martin Professor of Computing at the Oxford University Computing Laboratory on his 60th birthday in 1994.

If you are faced by a difficulty or a controversy in science, an ounce of algebra is worth a ton of verbal argument. -- J.B.S Haldane
That excellent woman knew no more about Homer than she did about Algebra, but she was quite contented with Pen's arrangements ... and felt perfectly confident that her dear boy would get the place which he merited. -- Pendennis (1848-50) by William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863), the story of the progress of an Oxford student.

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