Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative - OAEI-2012 Campaign

OAEI 2012::Large BioMed Track

FMA-SNOMED matching problem

We have split the FMA-SNOMED matching problem in three tasks involving different fragments of FMA and SNOMED. The reference alignments will be the same for the three tasks, however the complexity will be different, in terms of both performance and scalability, since larger ontologies will also involve more possible candidate mappings.

Note that ontologies have been normalised for the OAEI, as a result the synonyms of concept names are provided as "rdfs:label" annotations.

The complete datasets for the OAEI 2012 campaign can be downloaded as a zip file.

Reference alignments

There are 3 UMLS-based reference alignments for the FMA-SNOMED matching tasks.

Test Suite Information

Required input for SEALS OMT client:

Note that, if you are using the OWL API, the following parameter "-DentityExpansionLimit=100000000" should be given to the JVM in order to be able to load large ontologies.

Task 1: FMA-SNOMED small fragments

This task consists of matching two (relatively) small fragments of FMA and SNOMED. The FMA fragment contains 10,157 classes (13% of FMA), while the SNOMED fragment contains 13,412 classes (5% of SNOMED).

Task 2: FMA-SNOMED large fragments

This task consists of matching two (relatively) large fragments of FMA and SNOMED. The FMA fragment contains 50,523 classes (64% of FMA), while the SNOMED fragment contains 122,464 classes (40% of SNOMED).

Task 3: FMA whole ontology with SNOMED large fragment

This task consists of matching the whole FMA that contains 78,989 classes with a large SNOMED fragment that contains 122,464 classes (40% of SNOMED).