Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative - OAEI-2014 Campaign

Results OAEI 2014::Large BioMed Track

Results of the FMA-SNOMED matching problem

The following tables summarize the results for the tasks in the FMA-SNOMED matching problem.

AML provided the best results in terms of F-measure on both Task 3 and Task 4. AML also provided the best Recall and Precision in Task 3 and Task 4, respectively; while LogMapLite provided the best Precision in Task 3 and LogMap-Bio the best Recall in Task 4.

Overall, the results were less positive than in the FMA-NCI matching problem. As in the FMA-NCI matching problem, efficiency also decreases as the ontology size increases. The most important variations were suffered by LogMap-Lite and XMap in terms of precision. Furthermore, AOT, AOTL, RSDLWB could no complete neither Task 3 nor Task 4 in less than 10 hours. MaasMatch rose an "out of memory" exception in Task 4, while OMReasoner could not complete Task 4 within the permitted time.

Task 3: FMA-SNOMED small fragments

System Time (s) # Mappings Scores Incoherence Analysis
Precision  Recall  F-measure Unsat. Degree
AML 126 6,791 0.926 0.742 0.824 0 0.0%
LogMap-Bio 1,060 6,444 0.932 0.710 0.806 0 0.0%
LogMap 63 6,242 0.950 0.695 0.803 0 0.0%
XMap 35 7,443 0.858 0.737 0.793 13,429 56.9%
LogMap-C 119 4,536 0.958 0.508 0.664 0 0.0%
MaasMatch 4,605 8,117 0.655 0.674 0.664 21,946 92.9%
Average 839 5,342 0.870 0.554 0.644 4,578 19.4%
LogMapLite 13 1,645 0.968 0.208 0.343 773 3.3%
OMReasoner 691 1,520 0.713 0.156 0.256 478 2.0%
Table 1: Results for the largebio task 3.

Task 4: FMA whole ontology with SNOMED large fragment

System Time (s) # Mappings Scores Incoherence Analysis
Precision  Recall  F-measure Unsat. Degree
AML 251 6,192 0.891 0.647 0.749 0 0.0%
LogMap 388 6,141 0.831 0.623 0.712 0 0.0%
LogMap-Bio 1,449 6,853 0.756 0.651 0.700 0 0.0%
Average 523 5,760 0.790 0.540 0.617 11,823 5.9%
LogMap-C 571 4,630 0.853 0.476 0.611 98 0.049%
XMap 390 8,926 0.558 0.633 0.593 66,448 33.0%
LogMapLite 90 1,823 0.852 0.208 0.335 4,393 2.2%
Table 2: Results for the largebio task 4.