Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative - OAEI-2015 Campaign

Results OAEI 2015::Large BioMed Track

Runtimes and task completion

Table 1 shows which systems were able to complete each of the matching tasks in less than 12 hours and the required computation times. Systems have been ordered with respect to the number of completed task and the average time required to complete them. Times are reported in seconds.

The last column reports the number of tasks that a system could complete. For example, 8 system were able to complete all six tasks. The last row shows the number of systems that could finish each of the tasks. The tasks involving SNOMED were also harder with respect to both computation times and the number of systems that completed the tasks.

* Uses background knowledge based on the UMLS-Metathesaurus as the LargeBio reference alignments.

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6
LogMapLite 16 213 36 419 212 427 221 6
RSDLWB 17 211 36 413 221 436 222 6
AML 36 262 79 509 470 584 323 6
XMAP 26 302 46 698 394 905 395 6
XMAP-BK * 31 337 49 782 396 925 420 6
LogMap 25 265 78 768 410 1,062 435 6
LogMapC 106 569 156 1,195 3,039 3,553 1,436 6
LogMapBio 1,053 1,581 1,204 3,248 3,298 3,327 2,285 6
ServOMBI 234 - 532 - - - 383 2
CroMatcher 2,248 - 13,057 - - - 7,653 2
Lily 740 - - - - - 740 1
DKP-AOM 1,491 - - - - - 1,491 1
DKP-AOM-Lite 1,579 - - - - - 1,579 1
# Systems 13 8 10 8 8 8 1,353 55
Table 1: System runtimes (s) and task completion.