About the conference
We are delighted to announce the second Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference, to be held on 16th March 2015, in Oxford, UK. The Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference is an annual conference that aims to bring together junior and senior female computer scientists at Cambridge and Oxford, encourage collaboration through formal and informal discussion, and give a perfect opportunity for young researchers to present their research and get valuable feedback in a very open, friendly and informal environment.
The conference will include talks by key speakers and a career panel with members from both academia and industry who will share their experiences with the participants. This year's conference has been made possible through the generous sponsorship of Google.
All students, faculty and staff members of the department are welcome to attend the conference. There is no registration fee for the conference; and snacks, lunch and a conference dinner at Trinity college will be provided free of charge. The deadline for registration is 27 February 2015. Coach transportation will be provided free of charge for all participants traveling from Cambridge.
Current female undergraduate, MPhil/MSc, PhD/DPhil students, RAs and PostDocs are encouraged to submit abstracts for presentations or posters on their topic of research. The deadline for submission is February 6, 2015 . Posters are solicited for research related to any aspect of computer science. Presentations will be 10 minutes long while posters can be up to size A1. Each presentation and poster abstract will be reviewed by members of the TPC. Rejected presentations may be offered a poster slot. There are no proceedings for the conference, and hence posters can be under submission for other conferences or workshops. All accepted submissions will be assigned mentors, who will provide feedback on the presentation/poster.
To register attendance or submit your abstract, please see the registration and abstract submission guidelines.
We hope that you will join us for this wonderful conference, which will help create connections between female computer scientists in Cambridge and Oxford!
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline: February 6, 2015
- Notification: February 23, 2015
- Registration Deadline: February 27, 2015
- Conference: March 16, 2015

Past conferences
The website for the first Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference 2014 hosted in Cambridge can be found here. There is also a write-up and photo gallery for that conference.