CB is an experimental ontology reasoner developed as part of the ConDOR project. CB is based on a new kind of "consequence-based" reasoning procedure. Currently CB supports a fragment of OWL 2 which corresponds to the Description Logic Horn-SHIF.
CB is open-source and released under GNU Lesser GPL. All components and source code is available from the CB Google Code Project.
CB can be used as a plug-in for the Protégé OWL ontology editor: simply copy org.semanticweb.CB.jar from the latest CB release into Protégé's plugin folder.
CB provides a command-line interface for common reasoning tasks, including classification: simply download cb-?os?-?arch?-r.?build?.zip from the latest CB release, where ?os? is one of win, macos or linux, ?arch? is one of x86 or x86-64 and ?build? is the latest build.
UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council