A Tool for the Automated Verification of Nash Equilibria in Concurrent Games
Reactive Modules is a high-level specification language for
concurrent and multi-agent systems, used in a number of practical
model checking tools. Reactive Modules Games is a game-theoretic
extension of Reactive Modules, in which concurrent agents in the
system are assumed to act strategically in an attempt to satisfy a
temporal logic formula representing their individual goal. The basic
analytical concept for Reactive Modules Games is Nash equilibrium.
In this paper, we describe a tool through which we can automatically
verify Nash equilibrium strategies for Reactive Modules Games. Our
tool takes as input a system, specified in the Reactive Modules language, a
representation of players' goals (expressed as CTL formulae), and a
representation of players strategies; it then checks whether these
strategies form a Nash equilibrium of the Reactive Modules Game
passed as input. The tool makes extensive use of conventional
temporal logic satisfiability and model checking techniques. We
first give an overview of the theory underpinning the tool, briefly
describe its structure and implementation, and conclude by
presenting a worked example analysed using the tool.