
This is the project’s playground. Here algorithms are forged and tested.

Click the button to run the applet:

Run Button

Work in progress


  1. Specify the number of rows and columns of the environment and set it with the "set size" button.
  2. Draw the environment that you want to cover by dragging the mouse on the grey cells. The black cells represent the walls. If you want to erase a wall simply drag the mouse on it. If you want to save your scenario click on the "save" button. If you want to load a default scenario select one from the combo box on the bottom left of the applet and click the button.
  3. Select the number of agents to run.
  4. Select if you want the agents to start from random positions or from the point (0,0).
  5. Choose the algorithm that you want to use.
  6. Choose the interval between each agent's move (speed of the algorithm).
  7. Run the algorithm by pressing the "run" button.
  8. If you want to pause the algorithm press the "pause" button.
  9. To clear the environment press the "clear" button.