Events and News

The book, Towards a Code of Ethics for Artificial Intelligence, by Paula Boddington, with forewords by Mike Wooldridge and Peter Millican, is now published. The e-book can be ordered from Springer here, and the hard copy will be available from December 8th. It can be also ordered from Amazon both here  for the UK and here for US orders. Amazon has the ‘look inside’ feature for you to get a preview of the book and its contents.

Paula Boddington took part in a panel on Artificial Intelligence and Ethics Hub Berlin, ‘Europe’s interactive business festival for digital movers and makers’ in Berlin on 28th November 2017. The discussion, with Florian Werner (CEO, FragRobin AG, Eberhard Schnebel (Lecturer, Goethe-University Frankfurt Center for Business Ethics) was moderated by Stephan Dörner, Chief Digital Editor at the German magazine, and can be seen here.

We have been editing a special edition of the journal Minds and Machines on Ethics and Artificial Intelligence. Our editorial, and the four papers which comprise this edition, are now all published online.

Tucker Davey interviewed me for the Future of Life Institute in July 2017 about my work on this project. It was great chatting to him about the ideas that have been sparked by research into this area.

The Future of Life Institute hosted a five day workshop Beneficial AI 2017 at Asilomar in January 2017. Their website explains that they ‘hosted a two-day workshop for our grant recipients to give them an opportunity to highlight and discuss the progress with their grants’ however, please note that our grant was not represented for reasons beyond my control. The Asilomar Principles were drawn up during this workshop. Although unable to contribute towards these Principles, I look forward to discussing them in detail during  my work for this project.

In April 2016, Paula Boddington took part in a AISB (The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Stimulation of Behaviour) workshop at Sheffield on the EPSRC’s Principles of Robotics. Papers from this workshop are being published in Connection Science. As of December 23rd 2016, Paula’s paper “EPSRC Principles of Robotics: commentary on safety, robots as products, and responsibility”,  doi 10.1080/09540091.2016.1271396, is published online and can be accessed here. Please contact me for any difficulties in accessing a copy.

Paula Boddington presented a paper at the 4TU.Center for Ethics and Technology, Delft, 2.-3.12.2016 on “Health, technology, and moralization: How are technologies influencing the moralization of health?”, on the topic “Robots doing our dirty work: Moralisation of health, routine care work, and machines”, . The paper sketched out the complex issues that arise when human labour is replaced by machinery – that is, by robots or other AI – within sophisticated hierarchical social and moral systems. A copy of the paper can be found here.

We are currently guest editing a special edition of the journal Minds and Machines , editor in chief Mariarosaria Taddeo, on Ethics for Artificial Intelligence, to be published in early 2017.

Paula Boddington is very pleased to be contributing towards the IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in the Design of Autonomous Systems. She is a member of their Ecosystem Mapping Committee, and contributing towards their P7000 Model Process for Addressing Ethical Concerns During System Design.

We organised a workshop ‘Ethics for Artificial Intelligence’ at IJCAI-16 in New  York on July 9th, 2016. The Future of Life Institute generously donated additional funds towards this very exciting workshop.

We organised a workshop, A Day of Ethical AI, in Oxford, June, 2016. Thanks to all those who attended for making this day a great success, and a great interchange of ideas from those working intensively on AI ethics and closely related areas. The workshop included attendees from the Crockett Lab, the Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford’s Human Centred Computing group, the University of Liverpool Computer Science Department, the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, the Computer Lab at the University of Cambridge and the Microsoft Cloud Computing Centre.

Mike Wooldridge and Peter Millican contributed articles discussing ‘Has artificial intelligence become a threat?‘ to the University of Oxford Computer Science newsletter, Inspired Research, Summer 2015.

We would like to thank the Future of Life Institute for their generous sponsorship of our programme of research.