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Papers accepted to ICALP 2012


Papers, (co-)authored by people associated with Oxford’s Computer Science Department, have been accepted to the 39th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2012.)

The accepted papers include:

  • Denis Kuperberg and Michael Vanden Boom. On the Expressive Power of Cost Logics over Infinite Words
  • C.-H. Luke Ong and Takeshi Tsukada. Two-Level Game Semantics, Intersection Types and Recursion Schemes
  • Michael Benedikt, Pierre Bourhis and Pierre Senellart. Monadic Datalog Containment
  • Andrzej Murawski and Nikos Tzevelekos. Algorithmic games for full ground references

A further accepted paper was co-authored by two recent members of the Department:

  • Chris Broadbent, Arnaud Carayol, Matthew Hague and Olivier Serre. A Saturation Method for Collapsible Pushdown Systems

The Colloquium is the main conference and annual meeting of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), and will take place in  July at the University of Warwick.