Preference Queries with Ceteris Paribus Semantics for Linked Data
Jessica Rosati‚ Tommaso Di Noia‚ Thomas Lukasiewicz‚ Renato De Leone and Andrea Maurino
User preferences play a central role in supporting complex and multifactorial decision processes. Every personalized information filtering system should exploit a preferences model of the user in order to match her interests as much as possible. In a Linked Open Data (LOD) setting, the problem is twofold. On the one hand, there is the need of a standard way to represent complex preferences. On the other hand, we need tools able to query LOD datasets by taking into account user’s preferences. In this paper, we propose a vocabulary to represent statements formulated in terms of ceteris paribus semantics. We then show (i) how to represent a CP-net by means of this vocabulary and (ii) how to embed such compact preference model in a SPARQL 1.1 query in order to access semantic data in a personalized way.