Modelling slow wave activity in the small intestine
A. S. Lin‚ M. L. Buist‚ N. P. Smith and A. J. Pullan
We have developed an anatomically based model to simulate slow wave activity in the small intestine. Geometric data for the human small intestine were obtained from the Visible Human project. These data were used to create a one-dimensional finite element mesh of the entire small intestine using an iterative fitting procedure. The electrically active components of the intestinal walls were modelled using a modified Fitzhugh-Nagumo cell model embedded within a longitudinal smooth muscle layer and a layer containing Interstitial Cells of Cajal. Within these layers, the monodomain equation was used to describe slow wave propagation. To solve the monodomain equation, a high-resolution finite difference grid, with an average spatial resolution of 0.95 mm, was embedded within each finite element. The resulting simulations of intestinal activity agree with the experimental observation that slow wave frequency gradually declines from 12 cycles per minute (cpm) in the duodenum to 8 cpm at the terminal ileum. Furthermore, the simulations demonstrated a decrease in conduction velocity with distance along the small intestine (10.7 cm/s in the duodenum, 5.1cm/s in the jejunum and 1.4 cm/s in the ileum), matching experimental recordings from the canine small intestine. We conclude that the framework presented here is capable of qualitatively simulating normal slow wave activity in an anatomical model of the small intestine.