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NP−SemiSeg: When Neural Processes meet Semi−Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Jianfeng Wang‚ Daniela Massiceti‚ Xiaolin Hu‚ Vladimir Pavlovic and Thomas Lukasiewicz


Semi-supervised semantic segmentation involves assigning pixel-wise labels to unlabeled images at training time. This is useful in a wide range of real-world applications where collecting pixel-wise labels is not feasible in time or cost. Current approaches to semi-supervised semantic segmentation work by predicting pseudo-labels for each pixel from a class-wise probability distribution output by a model. If this predicted probability distribution is incorrect, however, it leads to poor segmentation results which can have knock-on consequences in safety critical systems, like medical images or self-driving cars. It is, therefore, important to understand what a model does not know, which is mainly achieved by uncertainty quantification. Recently, neural processes (NPs) have been explored in semi-supervised image classification, and they have been a computationally efficient and effective method for uncertainty quantification. In this work, we move one step forward by adapting NPs to semi-supervised semantic segmentation, resulting in a new model called NP-SemiSeg. We experimentally evaluated NP-SemiSeg on the public benchmarks PASCAL VOC 2012 and Cityscapes, with different training settings, and the results verify its effectiveness.

Book Title
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning‚ ICML 2023‚ Hawaii‚ USA‚ 23−29 July 2023