Concurrency: 2019-2020
Lecturer | |
Practical Coordinator | |
Degrees | Schedule S1(CS&P)(3rd years) — Computer Science and Philosophy Schedule S1(3rd years) — Computer Science Schedule S1(M&CS)(3rd years) — Mathematics and Computer Science |
Term | Trinity Term 2020 (16 lectures) |
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student should:
- understand some of the issues and difficulties involved in Concurrency;
- be able to specify and model concuurent systems using CSP;
- be able to reason about CSP models of systems using both algebraic laws and semantic models;
- be able to analyse CSP models of systems using the model checker FDR.
- Processes and observations of processes; point synchronisation, events, alphabets. Sequential processes: prefixing, choice, nondeterminism. Operational semantics; traces; algebraic laws.
- Recursion. Fixed points as a means of explaining recursion; approximation, limits, least fixed points; guardedness and unique fixed points.
- Concurrency. Hiding. Renaming.
- Non-deterministic behaviours, refusals, failures.
- Hiding and divergence, the failures-divergences model.
- Specification and correctness.
- Communication, buffers, sequential composition.
Reading list
Lecture Notes: The lecture notes for this year's course appear online on the course materials page.
Course Text:
- A. W. Roscoe, Understanding Concurrent Systems, Chapters 1-8, Springer 2010
- A.W. Roscoe, The Theory and Practice of Concurrency, Chapters 1-7, Prentice-Hall International, 1997;
- C. A. R. Hoare, Communicating Sequential Processes, Prentice-Hall International, 1985;
- S. A. Schneider, Concurrent and Real-time Systems, Chapters 1-8, Wiley, 2000;
Overheads: This year's slides will appear on the course materials page over the course of the term.
Related research
Activities |
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