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Modelling and reasoning about agent-based, networked complex systems such as financial markets, biological systems and the Internet


Suitable for


Complex systems are characterized by variety and uncertainty. A heterogeneous agent-based modelling approach to such systems would need to specify the types of agents, their properties, the structure of the network, and the information flows among them. Generic and domain-specific research questions could be investigated within this context. This topic could be adapted to the student's background and interests. From a theoretical perspective, the project could aim to produce a formal specification of properties of such as adaptiveness, emergence and robustness. From a more applied perspective, the project could implement and extend existing approaches to modelling complex systems such as the Internet, biological systems and financial markets.


Intelligent Systems or Machine Learning
At least one of: Introduction to Specification (MSc), Probability and Computing, or Probabilistic Model Checking


Please feel free to contact Dr Ani Calinescu to discuss any of these project topics in more detail.