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Automated verification of complex systems in the energy sector


Suitable for

MSc in Advanced Computer Science
Mathematics and Computer Science, Part C
Computer Science and Philosophy, Part C
Computer Science, Part C


Smart microgrids are small-scale versions of centralized electricity systems, which locally generate, distribute, and regulate the flow of electricity to consumers. Among other advantages, microgrids have shown positive effects over the reliability of distribution networks.

These systems present heterogeneity and complexity coming from 1. local and volatile renewables generation, and 2. the presence of nonlinear dynamics both over continuous and discrete variables. These factors calls for the development of proper quantitative models. This framework provides the opportunity of employing formal methods to verify properties of the microgrid. The goal of the project is in particular to focus on the energy production via renewables, such as photovoltaic panels.

The project can benefit form a paid visit/internship to industrial partners.

Courses: Computer-Aided Formal Verification, Probabilistic Model Checking, Probability and Computing, Automata Logic and Games

Prerequisites: Familiarity with stochastic processes and formal verification, whereas no specific knowledge of smart grids is needed.