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Intuitive exploration through novel visualisation


Suitable for

Computer Science, Part B
Mathematics and Computer Science, Part C
Computer Science and Philosophy, Part C
Computer Science, Part C


I am interested in novel visualisation as a way to represent things in a more appealing and intuitive way. For example the Gnome disk usage analyzer (Baobab) uses either a "ring chart" or "treemap chart" Representation to show us which sub-folders are using the most disk. In the early 1990s the IRIX file system navigator used a 3D skyscraper representation to show us similar information. There are plenty more ways of representing disk usage: from DAGs to centralised Voronoi diagrams. What kind of representation is most intuitive for finding a file which hogging disk-space and which is most intuitive for helping us to remember where something is located in the file-system tree? The aim is to explore other places where visualisation gain intuition: for example, to visualise the output of a profiler to find bottlenecks in software, to visual a code coverage tool in order to check that test-suites are are testing the appropriate functionality or even to visualise the prevalence of diabetes and heart disease in various regions of the country.