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Learning probabilistic automata


Suitable for

MSc in Advanced Computer Science
Mathematics and Computer Science, Part C
Computer Science and Philosophy, Part C
Computer Science, Part C


Probabilistic automata are a means of producing randomly-generated strings that are accepted/recognised by a finite automaton. (They are conceptually similar to hidden Markov models.) The general topic of the project is to find algorithms to reconstruct an automaton based on observations of strings generated by that automaton. It's a topic that has led to a steady stream of papers in the research literature, and the project would focus on one of the many variants of the problem. For example, "labelled automata" in which partial information is provided about the current state of the automaton in the form of random labels associated with states. Another general issue is how to efficiently extract extra information present in long strings generated by the unknown automaton. Within this project topic, there is scope for focusing either on experiments, or on mathematical analysis of algorithms. In the latter case, it would be helpful to know the basic concepts of computational learning theory.