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Semi−separable Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for inference in Bayesian neural networks

Adam D Cobb‚ Atılım Güneş Baydin‚ Ivan Kiskin‚ Andrew Markham and Stephen Roberts


We introduce a new method for performing inference in Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC). We show how the previously introduced semi-separable HMC sampling scheme can be adapted to BNNs, which allows us to integrate over both the parameters and hyperparameters. We derive a suitable Riemannian metric for the BNN hyperparameters and show that it is positive definite. Our work is compared to both Monte Carlo dropout and a deterministic neural network, where our inference technique displays better calibrated uncertainties with comparable performance to current baselines. Our code is provided in a new open-source Python package, hamiltorch, which enables our method to scale to CNNs with over 400,000 parameters and take advantage of GPUs.

Book Title
Fourth workshop on Bayesian Deep Learning (NeurIPS 2019)‚ Vancouver‚ Canada