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Deep Learning Based QRS Multilead Delineator in Electrocardiogram Signals

Julià Camps‚ Blanca Rodríguez and Ana Mincholé


The surface electrocardiogram (ECG) is the most widely adopted test to diagnose cardiac diseases. Extracting critical biomarkers from these signals, such as the QRS width, requires delineating the fundamental waves in them. However, even though ECG signals significantly change depending on the recording methodology and cardiac condition, the available QRS delineators are hard to adapt to non-considered cases. We present a deep learning-based multilead ECG delineation method which can successfully delineate QRS complexes. Our approach reached root-mean-square errors (RMSE) of 12.1±0.5 and 18.5±1.1 ms for QRS onset and offset, respectively, when evaluated on the QT database; thus, demonstrating to be comparable to the state-of-the-art. Moreover, these results are similar to the RMSE calculated from differences between the two cardiologists that annotated this database, namely, 14.7 ms for the QRS onset and 17.2 ms for the offset.

Book Title
2018 Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC)
available QRS delineators‚ cardiac condition‚ cardiac diseases‚ critical biomarkers‚ deep learning−based multilead ECG delineation method‚ diseases‚ ECG signals‚ electrocardiogram signals‚ electrocardiography‚ fundamental waves‚ medical signal detection‚ medical signal processing‚ QRS complexes‚ QRS multilead delineator‚ QRS onset‚ QRS width‚ recording methodology‚ root−mean−square errors‚ surface electrocardiogram‚ time 14.7 ms‚ time 17.2 ms‚ time 17.4 ms to 19.6 ms
ISSN: 2325−887X