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The LispKit Manual − Volume 2

Peter Henderson‚ Geraint A. Jones and Simon B. Jones


This volume is the second of a pair which together constitute the LispKit Lisp manual. The first volume consists of a brief introduction to the language and to some of the existing implementations of the system, together with a note about each of the software components of the system. This, the companion volume, contains copies of all of the LispKit Lisp programs and libraries as they were being distributed by the authors at the time of going to press, together with the text of an implementation of virtual machine which supports the LispKit system. The listings of LispKit Lisp which follow are substantially what you would obtain by passing each of the sources in a distribution copy of the LispKit system through the pretty-printer which is provided in the system - although we confess to ironing out one or two of the more eccentric layouts.

The LispKit system is distr5ibuted free of charge by the authors for copies of the documentation copies of the LispKit system or for any information about LispKit contact.
