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Context−aware views for mobile users

Cristiana Bolchini‚ Carlo Curino‚ Giorgio Orsi‚ Elisa Quintarelli‚ Rosalba Rossato‚ Fabio A. Schreiber and Letizia Tanca


Independent, heterogeneous, distributed, sometimes transient and mobile data sources produce an enormous amount of information that should be semantically integrated and filtered, or, as we say, tailored, based on the users’ interests and context. We propose to exploit knowledge about the user, the adopted device, and the environment - altogether called context - to the end of information tailoring. This paper presents the Context Dimension Tree, a context model which is the basis for solving the information tailoring problem, along with its role in the framework of the Context-ADDICT architecture.

Book Title
Proc. of the 10th DELOS Thematic Workshop on Personalized Access‚ Profile Management‚ and Context Awareness in Digital Libraries (PersDL − UM Workshops)