Christoph Haase
Christoph Haase
For further information, see my personal webpage.
Selected Publications
Directed Reachability for Infinite−State Systems
Michael Blondin‚ Christoph Haase and Philip Offtermatt
In Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems‚ TACAS. Springer. 2021.
To appear
Details about Directed Reachability for Infinite−State Systems | BibTeX data for Directed Reachability for Infinite−State Systems
On the Expressiveness of Büchi Arithmetic
Christoph Haase and Jakub Różycki
In Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures‚ FOSSACS. Springer. 2021.
To appear
Details about On the Expressiveness of Büchi Arithmetic | BibTeX data for On the Expressiveness of Büchi Arithmetic
Approaching Arithmetic Theories with Finite−State Automata
Christoph Haase
In Language and Automata Theory and Applications‚ LATA. Vol. 12038 of Lect. Notes Comp. Sci.. Pages 1–11. Springer. 2020.
Details about Approaching Arithmetic Theories with Finite−State Automata | BibTeX data for Approaching Arithmetic Theories with Finite−State Automata | DOI (10.1007/978-3-030-40608-0_3)