Recent talks

Way below security - presented at MFPS, April 2009

In domain theory, partial information is accumulated and compiled using directed joins. In the practice of security, cryptanalysts have their own methods to accumulate and compile partial information, eg about the key of a cypher. It turns out that a relation, used for reasoning about secrecy in the algebraic model, is closely related with the domain theoretic way-below relation, and that some of the secrecy derivations can be viewed in this framework. However, the practice of security leads beyond the algebraic model: the cryptanalysts usually compile some statistical biases. It is interesting to see what happens when the domain theoretic structures, tacitly present in their work, are generalized from the algebraic to the probabilistic model of secrecy.

Dynamics, robustness and fragility of trust - FAST, Malaga, October 2008

Trust is often conveyed through delegation, or through recommendation. This makes the trust authorities, who process and publish trust recommendations, into an attractive target for attacks and spoofing. In some recent empiric studies, this was shown to lead to a remarkable phenomenon of adverse selection: a greater percentage of unreliable or malicious web merchants were found among those with certain types of trust certificates, then among those without. While such findings can be attributed to a lack of diligence in trust authorities, or even to conflicts of interest, our analysis of trust dynamics suggests that public trust networks would probably remain vulnerable even if trust authorities were perfectly diligent. The reason is that the process of trust building, if trust is not breached too often, naturally leads to power-law distributions: the rich get richer, the trusted attract more trust. The evolutionary processes with such distributions, ubiquitous in nature, are known to be robust with respect to random failures, but vulnerable to adaptive attacks. We recommend some ways to decrease the vulnerability of trust building, and suggest some ideas for exploration.

See also arxiv.org/abs/0808.0732

Network as a computer: Ranking paths to find flows - CSR, Moscow, June 2008

We explore a simple mathematical model of network computation, based on Markov chains. Similar models apply to a broad range of computational phenomena, arising in networks of computers, as well as in genetic, and neural nets, in social networks, and so on. The main problem of interaction with such spontaneously evolving computational systems is that the data are not uniformly structured. An interesting approach is to try to extract the semantical content of the data from their distribution among the nodes. A concept is then identified by finding the community of nodes that share it. The task of data structuring is thus reduced to the task of finding the network communities, as groups of nodes that together perform some non-local data processing. Towards this goal, we extend the ranking methods from nodes to paths. This allows us to extract some information about the likely flow biases from the available static information about the network.

See also arxiv.org/abs/0802.1306

On quantum statistics in data analysis - presented at Quantum Interaction, March 2008

Originally, quantum probability theory was developed to analyze statistical phenomena in quantum systems, where classical probability theory does not apply, because the lattice of measurable sets is not necessarily distributive. On the other hand, it is well known that the lattices of concepts, that arise in data analysis, are generally also non-distributive, albeit for completely different reasons. In his recent book, van Rijsbergen argues that many of the logical tools developed for quantum systems are also suitable for applications in information retrieval. I explore the mathematical support for this idea on an abstract vector space model, covering several forms of data analysis (information retrieval, data mining, collaborative filtering, formal concept analysis...), and roughly based on an idea from categorical quantum mechanics. It turns out that quantum (i.e., noncommutative) probability distributions arise already in this rudimentary mathematical framework. Moreover, a Bell-type inequality is formulated for the standard data similarity measures, interpreted in terms of classical random variables.

See also arxiv.org/abs/0802.1296

Near Field Communication and authentication in pervasive and social computation - presented in Granada, Berlin and Oxford, January 2008

Near Field Communication (NFC) is one of the short range technologies currently introduced in mobile phones. Besides emulating smart cards, it enables a wide range of applications, embedding social computation into physical spaces. Many of these applications give raise to interesting security problems, and some unexpected solutions. In the talk, I outline some of the new security tasks and tools arising from NFC and other pervasive computation technologies, and discuss some of the extensions of the standard security models and concepts, needed to accommodate reliable security proofs, especially needed in the rapidly expanding social network applications. Such extensions are conveniently managed in the derivational approach, developed in our previous work, where secure protocols are built incrementally, together with the corresponding security proofs, through a sequence of model refinements. As the time permits, I shall present the derivations (with the tool support in Protocol Derivation Assistant) of some generic authentication templates, based on timed channels (distance-bounding), social channels, routing channels, and some combinations thereof.

Geometry of abstraction in quantum computation - invited talk at CQL 2007

Function abstraction is a building block of computation. Indeed, in functional programming and lambda calculus, it is the building block. Using the framework of categorical quantum mechanics, I examine the role of function abstraction in quantum computation. It induces the structure of Frobenius algebra structure of classical objects, and allows distinguishing classical data from quantum data.
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