The complexity of estimating local physical quantities
- 14:00 23rd June 2016
An important task in quantum physics is the estimation of local quantities for ground states of local Hamiltonians. Recently, [Ambainis, CCC 2014] defined the complexity class P^QMA[log], and motivated its study by showing that the physical task of estimating the expectation value of a local observable against the ground state of a local Hamiltonian is P^QMA[log]-complete. In this paper, we continue the study of P^QMA[log], obtaining the following results: (1) The P^QMA[log]-completeness result of [Ambainis, CCC 2014] above requires O(log(n))-local Hamiltonians and O(log(n))-local observables. Whether this could be improved to the more physically appealing O(1)-local setting was left as an open question. We resolve this question positively by showing that simulating even a single qubit measurement on ground states of 5-local Hamiltonians is P^QMA[log]-complete. (2) We formalize the complexity theoretic study of estimating two-point correlation functions against ground states, and show that this task is P^QMA[log]-complete. (3) P^QMA[log] is thought of as "slightly harder" than QMA. We give a formal justification of this intuition by exploiting the technique of hierarchical voting of [Beigel, Hemachandra, and Wechsung, SCT 1989] to show P^QMA[log] is in PP. This improves the known containment that QMA is in PP [Kitaev, Watrous, STOC 2000]. (4) A central theme of this work is the subtlety involved in the study of oracle classes in which the oracle solves a promise problem. In this vein, we identify a flaw in [Ambainis, CCC 2014] regarding a P^UQMA[log]-hardness proof for estimating spectral gaps of local Hamiltonians. By introducing a "query validation" technique, we build on [Ambainis, CCC 2014] to obtain P^UQMA[log]-hardness for estimating spectral gaps under polynomial-time Turing reductions.